Saturday, July 13, 2024

Around here

Both kids are still overseas having a great time.  I'm so happy they are experiencing different cultures and learning about history.  I still find it hard to believe they are out in the world travelling at 20 and 18.

Winter in Queensland has been very mild with days around 21-23 degrees and lows of 11.  This week we will have a low of 7 and 8 degrees and highs of 16-19 degrees so 16 is cold for us Queenslanders.

I have been taking Teddy to the dog park for half an hour in the morning and in the afternoon which he is loving.  He needs to run around and wear out some of that energy.  This morning there were 3 Teddy's at the dog park all slightly different breeds but all looking like Teddy's.

I do have a lovely backyard for him but he can't be trusted as he's into the pop plants eating dirt and last week he reached over into the newly planted veggie patch and took a plastic tag which he proceeded to run away with it in his mouth.  My sister and I chased him for over 5 minutes until we could catch him and get it out of his mouth.  He can run at lightening speed and even with two of us and a lead on him we were exhausted from trying to get him.  Billy who I used to mind was very trustworthy by himself in the backyard as he is much older but Teddy gets into everything which is a shame because we would spend more time out there.  When I was weeding the garden and planting he had to be inside in his playpen so he is safe and the rest of my house and belongings are safe too.

Here's some old pics from the archives.  Have a good week.

Autumn leaves

  Rainbow Bay, Queensland

Playing the Flute

Me at Lone Pine in my School Sports Uniform would be either Grade 8, 9 or 10.

Tweed Heads

Camping at Thunderbird Park, Mt Tamborine.

Our beautiful bird Bluey who used to say "I LOVE YOU" no longer with us.

One of Sienna's shop set up and she made the pig money box out of a tissue box & toilet rolls

Playing Dora the Explorer Memory Game.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Around here - July 2024

Around here I've been thinking a lot about simple living and I've mentioned before how my Mothering days are very different now with the kids leading their own lives. They are both overseas at the moment in different countries one in Japan for 2 weeks and the other one in Europe for 3 weeks holiday.  I honestly am so proud of them for being confident to explore different countries and saving for their holidays.

I've been looking through old blog posts and I know that everything I did teaching them to save money, op shopping [they buy new things to but love an op shop bargain] cooking, budgeting, growing veggies etc. this is what shapes young adults.  I've mentioned that my son has been making his own Turkish Bread to have with dips and drinks for a cheap date night.  My daughter is a great cook also, great at sewing, crochet, knitting and they both have a great work ethic.

Here's some old blog posts with cute photos:-

Home made dumplings.

Home Made Vanilla

Planting veggies - 8 years old

Veggie Garden in 2017

Enjoy these old photos below.

Fresh picked sugar snap peas.
Home Grown Sugar Snap Peas.

  Country Fair.

School holiday camping in the family room.

A photo my daughter took for me which we both loved.

We used to walk up to the main road to the one tree that dropped leaves each year to take photos.

She was always busy with her hands.

He was amazing at the Rubik cube even doing it blindfolded by learning algorithms.

Family pic while bush walking.

We loved this Farm Stay at Blackwattle Farm back in 2017.

Hope you all have a great week.