Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Week in the Life 2018

Next week starting on Monday for 7 days is our annual documentary photo project called "Week in the Life" (aka WITL).  Designed by Ali Edwards a USA scrapbooker who I have been following for a long time.  This will be my 10th year I have done this project and it's basically a snapshot of your life for 7 days.  The exciting, the boring, the mundane, the routine, the meals, the highs, the lows of your week.  People from all around the world join in with Ali for the 7 days and document their life.

Last year in April I was unable to participate at the same time as Ali so I did mine later in the year in October.  This year I'm thrilled that I will be doing it at the same time as everyone else as it's more exciting when you are part of a group.  Ali has daily posts with photos and words and then has links at the bottom where others post their photos from around the world.  Here is a link to Ali's 2 minute video describing this project.

The way I think about this project and the details I take photos of is if a photo book was given to me of a 7 day period when I was say 5 years old.  The clothing, the house, the bedroom, the old style tv, the car, the neighbourhood kids, the books we were reading, the cereal we were eating.  Goodness me, we still had the milko delivering milk in glass bottles to our house every day when I was 5.  It's a snapshot of your life and I have 9 years of these photo books. The kids get bigger, each year they are into different activities and hobbies, they are at different schools, the DVD shop no longer exists, the local plant nursery which we took photos of one year when we were buying plants no longer exists and these things have been documented forever.  It is so great to look back on these weeks which are ordinary everyday life.  

It's a big undertaking even for someone like myself who takes photos 5 days out of 7 however it is so worth it.  Here is a link to a post in 2015 and some photos taken that year.  This is my 2012 book and details about it.

Here's to another year of Week in the Life with my family.


  1. I love this Kathy. Capturing those moments in time with and for your kids is priceless.

  2. What beautiful keepsakes, Kathy. Really precious memories. Meg:)
