Saturday, January 2, 2021

Happy New Year

Today is the second day of 2021 and to be honest it's going to be much like 2020 in respect of the pandemic.  Whilst Australia is so lucky in terms of the rest of the world, Covid is here and is not going away in the short term.  I am lucky that my sister is here from Perth as I haven't seen her in 3 years so it's great to spend time with her.   Western Australia have recorded over 265 days or so without any community transmission.  Queensland is over 100 days without community transmission.  

We had our usual family Christmas with the most delicious prawns, ham, salads, chocolate plum pudding, home made custard and various slices.  We collectively all do our part in our family gatherings and it works really well.

I'm about to go and make some Turkish Bread for lunch today so I'll keep this post short and sweet.


  1. Nice Chrissy food, Kathy. Glad you got to finally see your sister.I hope she gets home without any dramas.

  2. Happy New Year to you, Kathy. Your family Christmas sounds simple and wonderful. So lovely you could see your sister. I too think that this pandemic, and the challenges it's presented to our world, is not suddenly going to disappear just because 2020 became 2021. I think there's a long way to go and just hope that as many as possible can stay safe and well. MegXx

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Staci for your kind comments and I have loved reading your blog this year. The internet is really an amazing tool where we can connect with like minded people we virtually foreign to how life was when I was a teenager compared to my kids. Have a great week.

  4. Wonderful photos - I especially like the last one, which looks delicious. Wishing you a very Happy New Year, and it's lovely to read that you were able to have time with family at Christmas. Over here, we weren't allowed to, and it's months since we've been with anyone in person except each other. And this evening we've just been told we're going into another national lockdown for at least six weeks. Our numbers are soaring ... :(.

    1. Thanks Alexa and Happy New Aunty makes the biscuit tree for us every year. Stay safe it's very worrying the numbers overseas that's for sure. 2021 is going to be a long one too I think for most of the world.
