Sunday, January 12, 2020

Around here - Movie time

I love watching films about farming and sustainability and came across this film which had a special showing today.  The story is about John and Molly Chester who were living in LA and they bought a rescue dog named Todd home to their little unit.  He is a film maker and she is a chef and their dog barked 8 hours a day while they weren't home so they ended up getting evicted from their apartment.

She had always dreamed of living on the land and growing food and raising animals working with nature.  They knew they wouldn't be able to move into another apartment so they left LA  and set up a farm 40 miles North of Los Angeles with the help of investors and converted dry hard compacted land into a thriving farm.

The film takes place over 8 years of life on the farm and all the things that go with natural farming when they solve one problem they are faced with another problem.  If you get a chance to watch it I can highly recommend it as I loved it.


  1. Oh that’s right up my alley, thanks for recommending it!

  2. Right up my alley too! I have also read Patrice Newell's book, *Who's Minding the Farm" recently and you might enjoy it too. I borrowed it from the library. Meg:)

    1. Thanks for the book suggestion I'll check it out.

  3. I will be looking out for this - it looks right up my street (or country lane!).
