Monday, March 23, 2020

Around here

Hope everyone is staying safe.  I haven't really got too much to say as hour by hour we are all facing unimaginable times ahead.  I made a good call on cancelling my trip to Perth last week and as it turns out over the weekend the WA borders are now shut now and as of last night my niece had to cancel her wedding until further notice.  So close, yet so far.  As sad and disappointing it is, imagine getting married and not being able to hug the bride or sit next to someone at the reception.  It's for the best however I know how this is difficult for all brides having to cancel their big days.

This week our school is getting ready for the kids to go on-line which I'm sure will happen after the school holidays.  We have two more weeks of school here in Queensland however we will see if how things escalate as they may end up finishing prior to end of the term.  Regardless of whether your kids stay home or not, school assessments and assignments still need to get done and as I have one in Grade 11 and one in Grade 9 the Grade 11 work is so important to make sure it gets done.  I am so glad he is not in Grade 12 this year along with the new grading/assessments I'm thankful he will be the second year through this new process without adding this on top of it.

I haven't been to the shops for a week however today I had to venture to Bunnings, Aldi & Woolworths.  I always wipe my trolley handle at Woolworths and have done this for a long time with the wipes they provide however currently there aren't any and Aldi I just use their trolleys.  Today as things seemed more heightened I wore gloves to Bunnings and then bought the 2nd last box of gloves at Bunnings.  When I got to the supermarket I opened the pack and used a new set.  I have three people in my family who are in the high risk category so I am staying away from them.

Last night my 3 sisters and I did a video conference call on Whats App which was fun.  My sister in Perth and the 3 of us here in Brisbane.  I told them that's what we will be doing at Easter instead of getting together for Hot Cross Buns which is our family tradition...we can eat them together on the video conference.  Actually it was a lot of fun and lots of jokes.

This week I was so excited to get a delivery of "spray free" fruit and veggies from Spray-Free Farmacy.   I found the family owned business about 3 weeks ago and was wanting to give them a try.  I will be ordering them every 2nd week as that would suit my family needs and was very impressed with their service and communication given they had a huge amount of home delivery orders this week instead of the usual "drop of point locations".  My drop off point location is ten minutes from here however this week I opted for the home delivery as they had reduced the delivery cost given the current climate.

It is a husband and wife team and one of their Dad's does the deliveries on Saturday.  Orders open Monday midday and close Wednesday then you can collect your box from the pick location on Saturday or in my case I paid extra for the home delivery.  Last week they had the 450 boxes get snapped up in 24 hours and I can only imagine this week it will be quicker.  Regardless of the Coronavirus I was going to give them a try and I was very happy to support a Mum and Dad home based business and in turn supporting the local farmers and growers where they source the produce.   Look how beautiful these fruit and veggies look.

Here's some old photos of mine with love hearts for you as I think we all need a bit of love at the moment...from our family to your family.

I thought the following photo will make you laugh, Circa 1992 [28 years ago] when I was Office Manager in the city for a Chartered Accounting firm where I worked for 12.5 years.  A time when shoulder pads and big glasses were in and yes, I had red hair back then, dyed of course.   The baby in this photo is 8 weeks old and is this is my first born niece and the one that was getting married in 4 weeks time.  My sister flew over to Brisbane with Cassandra and we were so excited to meet her.   

And something pretty for you to view in country Australia is the Silo Art Trail in country towns in Australia and this is the IG page.

Hope you all have a good week as best you can and stay safe.


  1. Hi Kathy,

    Glad to hear you and your family are well.
    We just got advised today to keep our kids home if we are in a position to do so. For parents who can’t the schools will still be open in a different format. I am home a lot, so our kids will be staying home. My daughter is in year 12, she’s feeling it a bit and was very disappointed that her drama performance is being cancelled altogether.
    But needs must, we are in strange times indeed.

    Sending big love back in your direction too!

    1. Extra pressure for your daughter...what a year. I've been told today that my daughter will be at home after her final exam on Wednesday however my son has exams next week so not exactly sure which day however the school sent a big step by step action plan for the school closure so it's coming. Stay safe and I would say hug your family however I can't...virtual hug your family. xx

  2. Ah, lovely to see you and your niece at an earlier point in your lives! And thank-you for the hearts - very welcome in these difficult times. Over here, schools, pubs, restaurants, leisure facilites, theatres, cinemas etc. and shops apart from food and chemists are all closed. National exams are cancelled and pupils will be given a grade by their teachers based on their mock-exams a month or so ago. Shops have reduced opening hours and many shelves are empty and haven't been re-stocked. Our organic fruit and veg box which we've had weekly for three years may not be delivered any more after this week. Difficult days ahead ...

    1. It will be interesting to come out the other side and see if families have reassessed their lives, possessions, wants and needs. I'm sure lots of people may start growing veggies, bake bread etc. I do know there are no seedlings at our local stores now because everyone decided to get in and plant things. The climate, the planet will have a 6 month breather for pollution and have time to recover a little bit. It does all seem like some crazy bad dream that we will wake up tomorrow from however this will be 6 months minimum and maybe 12 months before things start picking up. Stay safe...more time to catch up on your scrapbooking is not a bad thing.

  3. Awww...thank you for sharing the photo of you and your niece. I love it!! And the hearts - the perfect pick-me-up for this week. :) Happy to hear you and your sisters have found a fun way to stay in touch and that your family seems to be doing ok. That box of produce looks amazing!! It's nice that they are delivering during these tough times. Great for their business and for the community.

  4. Produce in that box looks vibrant and fresh, Kathy. I am going to look into placing an order when fruit/veg in crispers get low.

    The hearts are lovely.💜 Finding different ways to connect to, and care for, one another, in the midst of all this, is really important.


  5. Love the photos, Kathy. How well I remember the shoulder pads! I have heard of many weddings being cancelled which is so sad but having a family member die and only a few relatives being able to attend the difficult that must be for families. We had our first Corona virus death here yesterday when a 68 year old local got sick on a cruise ship. He had underlying serious medical issues apparently but how tragic for his family as it sounds like he was a lovely man. I wish you and your family well at this difficult time.

    1. Thanks for popping in and taking the time to comment. I saw it on the news about the Toowoomba man. When you go on a holiday you are meant to enjoy yourself, recharge and come home one expects to go on a cruise and come home and die..very sad for the family and friends.

  6. That's great that you have the produce delivered, Kathy. I belong to a co-op here in California, too. I am retrieving my box tomorrow. It's such a blessing, especially in times like these.

    1. Thanks for popping in and yes so grateful for home delivery of fresh fruit and veggies. Stay safe.
